Wednesday 8 November 2017

Nearly all white squirrel.

Tina made an after sale bid on a box of kitchen pottery and an ancient book, she was happy to have her offer accepted and went and collected it last night. She was particularly excited about the chicken.
I went into town on the bus, and put the leather arch supports in my shoes. They weren't uncomfortable and at first I thought they were helping, but as the day goes on the jury is still out! I wanted to get bubble wrap and tape and I had a package to post. I was home before Tina and fed a patiently waiting Charlie. He has been out last night and didn't appear before we went out.My steps will be going over to Hornsea tomorrow so I removed the rest of the pictures from the walls and took down all the nails and hooks.Then I packed a couple of boxes of ornaments including most of the stuff I have painted, the squirrels and the lady I finished a while ago.
I was going to go out for a breath of air but Tina wanted to go up to the church to measure the altar cloths so I went along with her. Took a photo of my latest acer before we left as it looked glorious in the sunslight.
 Got a good shot of the main window in the church.
Some bushes had been cleared near the church grounds leaving a good view of the south bay.
We drove down via the sea and had a cup of tea from the chippy on the north bay. We couldn't see the sunset but the light and reflected colour made the north bay look lovely.

Pretty cold today but as you can see, nothing deters the surfers. 
I found out that my final squirrel had been re-fired yesterday so Tina drove me along to collect her. Definitely think this on is a lady! I love it, a pity I had packed all the others so she had to be photographed on her own.

When I was in town I saw some air drying clay in The Works so just had to buy some. Tried the leaf trick again, didn't work that well, this time they didn't stick so kept moving, I will keep trying, but probably after the move now.
Mike is coming up tomorrow afternoon and staying over the weekend, I am sure we will keep his pretty busy!


  1. Virtue's Treasury of Knowledge sounds an interesting title for a book. Be a good one to browse through. Like the pottery in the box too. Is the chicken for egg storage?
    You’ve been quite busy again today. It’s definitely all go with you at the minute. Lots to do and not so much time to get it done! Hopefully I’ll be of some use to you at the weekend. I’m good at taking orders, so just point at things that need moving, packing etc and I’ll get on with it :-)
    The acer is sooooo red! Wow. It’ll look good in the huge garden it’s going to!
    Still find it hard to believe those surfers get enjoyment from freezing their extremities in that water this time of year. Totally dolally.
    The squirrel if definitely female, or maybe a male who’s in touch with his feminine side :-)
    The leaf bowls look ok to me. I’m assuming you’ll paint them when they’re totally dry.
    I’m looking forward to seeing the vicarage this’s exciting :-)

  2. The chicken was listed as a bread holder but like you I presumed it was for eggs. The book will be interesting to browse through.
    Will need to find a good spot for the acer.
    I like all of the squirrels, but this last one most of all I think.
    Yes, will paint and varnish the leaves when they are dry.
