Sunday 19 November 2017

Tina's farewell service day

We were all off to Tina's last service as a curate, taking place at Holy Apostles. Tina left ahead of us and Darren and I made our way a bit later. I walked up via the cliff top. Very chilly today but a lovely clear blue sky and the sea was foamy.

The parish house was packed as everyone connected with the church wanted to be there to thank Tina and wish her well for her future ministry.
It was a lovely service and quite a challenge with the numbers in the congregation. Tina preached and it was very emotional. After the service there was a fantastic buffet, more than enough for all the people with some to spare I imagine.
After the meal came the presentations and thank yous. I was a good way away and quite a few of my pictures were a bit fuzzy but will put some to give an idea.

I walked home, was in pain but this time it was because the insoles had moved so that my toes went numb as they were too restricted! Made a change from the ankle and knee though! I took another pic of the bay on my way back.

Darren and Tina went across to Hornsea this afternoon as Tina had collected a table form Mirfield yesterday. I have stayed in and really made some headway with my packing, not long now.
I enjoyed the Strictly result show and much as I have enjoyed watching Jonnie and think he did a great job, did think it was time for him to bow out.
Tina and I are off to Hornsea again tomorrow as carpets are being fitted in two of the upstairs rooms.


  1. It must feel very strange for Tina it being the last service. Does look quite packed in there, which doesn’t surprise me at all as she’s very popular. They’ll miss her, and I guess she’ll miss being there too. Once she gets settled in Hornsea she’ll probably find she doesn’t have time to miss Scarborough much as she’ll be very busy.
    The pics of the bay look like they could have been taken on a summers day. Doubt it felt much like that though!
    Carpets tomorrow, that’s another step forward. You might even have bathrooms soon! Tina’s little car will soon know it’s way there by itself. Sounds like you’re doing well with the packing and are quite upbeat about it, so that’s good. Don’t go too mad it though, take it easy.

  2. It really was a great send off and so much love in evidence.It will seem very strange, but as you say, Tina's life will soon be filled with new challenges, but she will be up to it.
    It was a beautiful day, but pretty chilly, but as you say, the pics could have been taken in mid summer.
    One of the carpets will be in my bedroom so looking forward to that.
