Sunday 5 November 2017

A non patchwork pie!

I had a really bad night last night, I have no idea why, but when my knee is bad it is even worse during the night, and I really could not get into a position that was comfortable. I haven't been out today except for down to the local shop in an attempt to rest it a little. Don't usually get influenced by adverts but asked Darren and Tina to get me some Voltarol when they went to the shop. I will let you know if it is the miracle cure I have been searching for, but don't hold your breath!
I decided to make a chicken pie for dinner, if the local shop had stocked ready made pastry I would have weakened and bought some. Of late I have not had a lot of success with the pastry, well, it tasted okay but just fell to pieces when I was rolling it out so we have had a lot of 'patchwork pies'! Anyway, today it rolled out without a problem so will post a before and after just to prove it!

I started making decoupage cards for Christmas weeks ago, but what with moving, packing and pottery painting I haven't touched them for  a while. Today I got back into it and have finished another five. While I was working my craft box appeared to grow a tail!!
I have finished over twenty cards now, so you never know, I may get them all done, but if not the charity shops have plenty of supplies.

Shock dance off in Strictly tonight, quite a few folk will be upset I think. Watching Blue Planet now.


  1. Hopefully the Voltarol will help a bit and you won’t have such a bad night as last night.
    The chicken pie does look nice. I’m sure your patchwork pastry still tastes as good, but it’s nice when it actually rolls out into one piece, and stays that way when you pick it up! Bet it got eaten up.
    What is it with cats and boxes? :-)
    This new series of Blue Planet is amazing. I didn’t think they could do better after the last series, but they have. The BBC have some fantastic cameramen, or women.

    1. I will let you know about the gel.
      There was a piece of pie left, think it was going to be supper!
      The new series of Blue Planet is fantastic, the photography unbelievable and then David Attenborough's wonderful commentary.

  2. Tried Voltarol , did not make any difference to the cheaper ones. Brian swears by Ibuprofen Gel from the £1 shop. Nothing touches me.
    Sorry about your knee playing up. Maybe the colder weather.
    Pies look very tasty. I must admit the frozen pastry is a dream to use. We were also shocked with the dance off. Aston is really good most of the time. Thought Ruth was the one to go. No accounting for taste or logic.
    Blue Planet is amazing. New technology has made it a wow programme.

  3. Worth a try, but you can't take ibuprofen tablets as well. so will see how it goes.
    I think Ruth is still in because she is with Anton, but time for people to stop voting for them I think!
    Thought you would be enjoying Blue Planet too. x
