Thursday 2 November 2017

Hornsea, working and exploring!

This morning Darren and I left the house just before 7am, for Darren to drop me off at the vicarage before he headed off to his course.Took some sky pics from the car!

It was a lovely drive across. I was there by 8 am and chatted to the builders and painters and then got the steamer out and filled it as the water was going to be turned off for a couple of hours. I had looked up where the post office in Hornsea was last night, as I had one more package to send off, so set off to find it. These crows nest were very low, which I thought was unusual.
Hall Garth Park is huge, I had walked a way before I took these pictures, but it goes a long way, in fact to the vicarage and beyond.

I was a bit early so went into a cafe next to the post office and had a very nice sausage bap and a cup of tea, I hadn't had breakfast before we left home. this newspaper was there and the front page features Tina!
I called in at the town hall and got a map of Hornsea and bus timetables, very helpful and friendly people everywhere I went today. Walking back this great Morris car was outside the museum.
In the house the utility room had been stripped out on Monday and today units to match those in the kitchen were in place.
Tina's office is looking good in the blue, much better without that bright red wall.
I spent a couple of hours or so finishing off the wall scraping, the bits off the ceiling were bigger but the rest was small bits a rather tedious.
I went out for a bit then, had a nice cake and as I had the map decided to see if I could find my way to the mere.
It is huge, and when the ducks and geese spotted me with a bag they headed my way! Will take food next time.

It was a reasonable walk and my ankle was sore by the time I got back to the house.
I used the steamer when I got back to get the rest of the paper off of the ceiling. That was fun, hot water running down my arms and being careful not to get a face full of scalding steam!

After that I tried to get any small bits off the walls and ceiling and sanded the surface a bit to get rid of the loose paint etc. Now stripped so not sure what the next step will be.
In the garden what a clearance the man who has been keeping it under control has done.

Darren arrived just after 6 pm, had a cuppa and unloaded a few bits and then we came home. Tina had ordered pizza in so that was nice to come home to.


  1. Well what a busy, long, and nice day you’ve had. Nice morning skies are always a good way to start a day, along with a sausage bap, but you had that later which is good too. Tina on the front page of the local paper is good. Seems strange to go into somewhere and find that laying around. She’s famous :-) You seem to be finding your way around the place already, and are discovering places and spots that will no doubt become regular haunts for you. You’ll all be settled in in no time at all.
    Tina’s Tina’s office looks a nice colour, quite relaxing. Not sure that’s a good thing for an office though as you’re supposed to work hard in there! And more cupboards in the utility room. You’ll have so much cupboard space it’ll be ridiculous. Bet you’ll all soon fill it all up though.
    I still haven’t quite got over the size of it all, inside and out, and I’ve not even seen it, so I can imagine how it must feel for you all. I think life is going to be good there. Seems fair, you all get a nice place to live, and I’m sure a nice community to live in, and they get a great vicar. Win win all round!

  2. It was a good day, tiring but great to already be feeling that I am getting to know the place. It is a small town so I will soon know my way around.
    I have an application form to volunteer at the Barnardo's charity shop and there may be some groups to try, if I am not too busy trying to keep the garden under control!
    Now the white shelves are going back up the office really is looking good.

  3. Charity shop sounds a good idea. You’ll find lots of things. I wondered if you might volunteer at the museum up the road from you.

  4. Quite keen to do that but it will be closing for the winter soon, so next spring will be the time to look into it.

  5. You have been busy.... Photos look interesting. The house is taking shape very quickly, you're soon settle. The area looks great nice and flat a scooter will get you further. Can see you whizzing around now. Xx

  6. It all feels right Hazel, I am so looking forward to settling there. xxx
