Friday 3 November 2017

This morning Tina took me into town so that I could go to the pool. There was a man and his son in there but I managed fine. The knee is bad today and it even hurt to kick to start with, but being in the water did ease it a little I asked about Darren and I cancelling out memberships there. I walked to the studio, had a coffee on the way because I was a bit early for the studio to be open. My squirrels had been fired and I am pleased with them. I couldn't bring the white one home as the tail hadn't been glazed so it will go in the kiln again.
I already had the grey one at home so took a picture of the black and red ones with the grey.
I have really enjoyed painting them. The hedgehog planters will go in the kiln next time.
Tina came and picked me up from the studio as she is away tomorrow and is interested in some auction items so we went to view. We always find things we like as we both tend to like old rather than modern stuff!
We came home as Tina had a computer man coming and we had another man coming to give an estimate for the removal. He is the guy that does the gardening at the vicarage, and as luck would have it he has a friend that erects greenhouses. When they had gone we took a trip to Dunelm's to look at curtains and poles. I got some curtains, but we are not sure that we put the measurements down correctly. The pole should be fine though! This was the pole I liked best, although none of them really jumped out at me.

It will be good to get something up in my living room as it is at the front and want to be able to close them when we start moving stuff in.
Tina has gone off for a training weekend, Darren has had training this week as well.
A quiet evening trying to ignore my knee I think.


  1. The squirrels look great, I really like them. They make such a good set for display somewhere. Everything is slowly, or quickly even, getting organised for the move, it’ll soon come around. Gardener, removals, greenhouses, he’s a handy bloke to know.
    From what I remember the window in your room is enormous, so what size curtains did you get? And more to the point did you keep the receipt just in case? :-)
    Got to ask, why was Tina waiting for a computer man when she’s got Darren?
    Sounds like you’re the only one who hasn’t done any training this week, unless you count swimming.

  2. This guy supplied a new one and there are problems so he is sorting it out.
    Very handy man to know and very friendly, we hope he gets the job.
    I really do like the squirrels, it was fun painting them.
