Thursday 30 November 2017

It's snow time!

No real warning of just what I would see when looking out of the windows this morning. you may imagine I was very snap happy so have tried to control myself with the ones I put on!

Had a cuppa with Tina looking out, which is when I caught the shot of Charlie, who, by the way slept on my bed all night, really not big enough for both of us, so we will see how that goes! Then I got some clothes on and had a walk round the garden so pics not through glass.

We needed cat food and some bits so walked down to the shop, bit slippy underfoot but not too bad. I cut through the car park and had a look in the park as well.

Apart from snow excitement it has been a busy day. Gas men here to connect the cooker, although they were here a long time it is still not fitted correctly because of the way the cupboards are designed. The Sky man was also here, so now I not only have internet but tv as well! I helped Tina move some stuff around and their rooms are beginning to take shape now.
Tina suggested a little drive out to look at the sea. Still snowing and bitterly cold, quite dramatic being there really, but we didn't hang about too long.

This evening the three of us have made sure all the floors in the kitchen, hall and utility room are clear as the new flooring is due to be laid tomorrow. I left Tina and Darren to move the dishwasher and washing machine though!
Charlie has had his first day here and seems quite relaxed and not pestering to go out. Blue has loved all the activity and rooms to explore.


  1. What a lovely scene to wake up to, and with such a big garden it makes it look even more stunning. Can’t blame you for uploading loads as they are all good, and you’ve not uploaded many lately. I like the one of Charlie looking out the window. Wonder if he’s thinking he’d like to be out there, or just happy he’s warm inside!
    Glad you managed a walk out, and a bonus you didn’t slip over and sprain anything!
    Lots done today from the sounds of it. Hope the cooker is better than it was at the other place. Bet Darren and Tina are looking forward to mums sponges.
    A few more jobs hopefully sorted tomorrow, flooring etc, so won’t be too long before you’re all totally settled in. You’ve got th3 main things though. Internet, tv and a good cafe up the road :-)

  2. It was a total surprise, although there had been mention of snow coming on the news. Charlie hasn't pestered to go out so think he is happy enough to be inside.
    The jobs are getting done, we fitted a bit of the spare carpet in the boiler room today, waste not want not.
    Making, or trying to make a sponge is one of the first things to try!

  3. Wow hope u r settled in now. Well, iknow it takes a lot longer than that, but as long as u r warm and comfortable.
    I hope u will be happy there and to be able to come and visit. Where are u exactly?
    Thk for the beautiful xmas card, it is so lovely.
    I am going to order some glass paints soon with my wages and try some more designs so I will let u know how it goes.

    1. Getting sorted slowly Julie. Hornsea is still on the east coast but further down,so nearer to you. Hopefully before too long you and Michelle will be able to come and visit.A big garden so pack your wellies!! xx
