Friday 17 November 2017

Leaf trinket dishes

I will write the blog entry early today as I haven't got any plans this evening, could be more packing but that is hardly interesting!
Tina took me into town this morning and we went via the auction house, as usual we saw things we liked but haven't actually decided to bid on anything - yet! Then we parked in town, I had letters to post, Tina had a couple of errands and we enjoyed coffee and cake while we were out. Tina then dropped me off opposite the ceramic studio where I spent a pleasant hour with Donna and collected my leaf trinket dishes. They didn't work quite as planned by I am very pleased with the result now they are fired.
I walked home from the studio, it was really cold out today. This afternoon have done a few chores with Tina. We took Charlie to the vet for his booster injection. We had kept him in all day so he was not a very happy boy, and he and Blue had a few scraps! Tina had been sorting through boxes of books and we took three boxes to the Parish House to be sold at the Christmas Fair. She had also sorted out some old bedding so we had a trip to the tip as well.
The evening sky has moved away from my vision even leaning out of the window, but I caught a shot of a bit of it tonight.
So, seem to have been reasonably busy but not a lot to show for it. Not sure yet what the plans are tomorrow.


  1. The little trinket dishes look great. I’d be really pleased with them. They won’t take up too much room when you pack them either :-)
    A bits and pieces day for you today, but you got stuff done so that’s all that matter. Sounds like you may have alienated a cat. It'll probably avoid you both now and stick with Darren.
    The sky shot is a nice one. Quite muted by your standards, but average for us mere mortals. I look out every night, but never see anything worth rushing out for.
    You two are auction addicts now. I’m guessing it’ll be four items to bid on this week :-)

  2. The trinket dishes have turned out pretty well, considering the clay was way too soft.
    It was good to get some jobs done, anything out of the house is a bonus at the moment.
    It will be good when we are no longer near the auction place!!
