Thursday 26 November 2015

Yesterday evening I had a bit of a 'dishaaster darling' to echo Craig on Strictly! Mike made a selection of great wooden pieces for me to decorate for the bazaar so thought I would set to and make a start .

I was feeling a little stresses as my ankle had been quite painful during the day and I was a bit tired as well. I had bought some craft paints in Wilkinson's and opened up the aqua, went to stir it, and tipped it over. I hadn't covered my patchwork table cover, probably the favourite thing I have made for myself, and although the paints are water based and I got washing immediately, the paint hasn't disappeared! I now have the plastic sheet on the table, I know, shutting the gate when the horse has bolted comes to mind! Anyway, I did make a start last night and have done a bit more today. Three of the shapes had to be painted all over as I got the aqua over them as well as the cloth and me!

While Mike was here he also put up some silly hooks for me which I bought at Ikea. The wall is very hard that is why I had nothing on there up until now.

Today I got the bike out and cycled along to the south bay to see what maps I could get at the Tourist Information Centre. When I got there it is closed from Monday to Friday! But at least I did a longer ride on the bike and came back through the town. I went out for lunch with Darren and Tina, which was nice and they dropped me off at the ceramic studio so that I could collect the plate and mug that I had painted. I am pleased with how they turned out, will try and add pictures but am having trouble attaching them at the moment.

Then I went in and enjoyed a cake and crochet session at the craft shop. I went into town again on my way home to change the map that I got yesterday as I had picked up the wrong area of Yorkshire! The blip seems to have resolved itself so can hopefully put the picture of the mug on as well now.

Sandra was very pleased as it is a present for her sister, that is why the first line has different wording.


  1. The painting looks good, and the ones you've had to paint Aqua don't look bad at all. I would say it was a happy happenstance if it weren't for the ruined cloth!
    The plate turned out well, and although there's no picture, I'm sure the mug did too.
    So, if you have the right map now you'll soon be planning your first major trip out!

    1. The map is so tiny it is not too easy to read, but Tina looked up access to the Cinder Track on her phone, so maybe will try to get onto it before too long. Have added mug pictures to the post now.

  2. Oh no !! Hope the paint did not go on the carpet. The decorations look good.

    Love the new hooks, just you. Hope the ankle improve soon my be too much cycling too soon. Take it slowly. xx

    1. The ankle was playing up before the bike but the cycling may well have aggravated it. Yes, I do really like the hooks! xxx
