Wednesday 18 November 2015

Today has been interesting, especially the latter part, but more about that in a bit. I spent the morning trying to clear some of the craft stuff away so that the lounge actually looks a bit like one again, also caught up with the washing so now have an airer of clothes spoiling the illusion! I am doing an overnight in Newcastle tomorrow with Tina. I have always wanted to go to Newcastle and she needs to go the the shop there that makes her work shirts and then she has a meeting near by the following day, so I will get to explore somewhere different and hopefully take some good pictures!
I went up to the ceramic studio and finished the mug with similar wording to the plate I did yesterday. It was so much more tricky doing all that wording on a mug, but it is done now and will be finished some time next week.
The cross I painted to look a bit like stained glass turned out to be quite striking.
Back home I started trying to make a crochet snowflake, couldn't understand one of the patterns but think I may have cracked the other one! I have been considering getting an electric bike since I moved here really and I had a short ride on an ordinary bike when I was last in Peterborough to make sure that the pain I get in the back of my knee would  not be a problem. My niece has got herself one recently and is getting on well with it, so I did a bit of looking on line and reserved one to be at Halfords today. Darren took me there late this afternoon and although I only had a very short, wobbly ride in the store ( I was afraid I would crash into a display!) I am now the owner of an electric bike. It is a folding bike so that we can store it in the porch, because even if there was room in Darren's shed for it the steps are way too steep to get it there! She needs a name, maybe Bluebird?
Will try and get a better picture of it tomorrow, maybe with me on it, weather permitting, don't want to make it too dirty or wet just yet!


  1. She'll like the mug. I could do with one of a similar nature depicting something evil I could do to my two nutty neighbours!
    The bike looks great. Not sure about the name Bluebird though, it wasn't exactly lucky for Donald Campbell! Sorry, I'm not trying to jinx you, honest. I'm looking forward to having a go on it myself :-)

  2. Not long to wait on that score! Only have a pink helmet though!!

  3. Never thought about wearing a helmet, but pink suits me!

  4. Love the cross, as you said very striking. Wow !!! The bike looks good but go steady especially on those hills. Bluebird sounds good to me, never mind about Donald Cambell. It should help you getting around. Good Luck xxx

    1. Tried it for a short ride this evening, never gone up a hill so fast!! xxx
