Wednesday 4 November 2015

It has been a grey and much cooler day here today, still some mist, but the rain didn't arrive until mid afternoon, so we have been pretty lucky again. This morning I stripped the bed and got the washing machine on and then watched the new pottery show on the iplayer. The contestants are all really good potters already. I caught up with some ironing and then planted up one more pot in the front garden. I have enough compost for the other two but have some more bulbs ordered to go in them.
I nearly forgot that fairly late last night I got a phone call from one of the lads who was in the hostel for the homeless that I worked at years ago. In fact he reminded me that we met in 2004! He is now an architect in London after 7 years of study and we had lost touch for a while. It was really good to hear from him and know that he is doing so well, not house sharing now but has a flat in London. Not a great number of out residents at the hostel really moved on, but I do still keep in touch with a few.
Back to today. I made a sandwich to take with me to the beach hut and got down there a bit before noon. Not too warm today but I have a couple of throws so was snug and read for over a couple of hours. I am reading a Liane Moriarty book called 'The hypnotists love story'. it is the fifth book I have read by this author and I have enjoyed them all. She has only written six so will soon have to find a new author! I managed to get a completely deserted beach picture, although there were some dog walkers around. I have never been to the beach yet when there weren't dog walkers!
Just took a picture of the beach huts and the building of luxury apartments from a different aspect on the way home.


  1. I can't say that I've ever noticed that aspect of the apartments. I automatically think of them from the other side. I'm preprogrammed!
    A nice atmospheric one of the beach too, very rare to see it totally empty like that.
    The hut and the camera are definitely getting put to good use :-)

  2. It is a striking building, the view from those apartments must be fabulous. Enjoying the hut and camera as well.

  3. How wonderful of that lad to contact you, I do remember you telling us about him in the past. If I'm right he was from Parkistan? Great he's doing so well, just goes to show it can be done.
    Beech looks peaceful. Love all the huts in different colours.

    Off to Bournemouth for the w/end, to see my sister Marion, husband David and Bella the dog. Will be some walking to do, lucky they are also close to the beech. x

    1. He is actually from Afghanistan, such a nice fellow. Have a great weekend, I hope the weather is kind. xxx
