Tuesday 10 November 2015

I slept pretty well lat night although it was very windy and the caravan was moving a bit! I went out and walked towards the sea first and part way down the steep hill.
Then I set off to walk to the stained glass place to see how long it takes, I have a course to attend there tomorrow. It is only about one and a half miles but seems much longer to this very unfit person, and I was into the wind as well which didn't make it ant easier, and of course it wasn't a flat or straight road! They had some interesting ways of displaying flowers along the way, this was obviously past it's best but must have looked lovely in the summer.
Went by this great house which must have been a windmill I think.
Then by another unusual flower display, this one not bright yet as it was planted up with winter bedding.
At some parts of the walk there were so many leaves on the pavement that you had to walk uncomfortably close to the traffic!
When I got to the lane that leads to the stained glass centre I looked for the bus stop as I had been told there was one. But as far as I could see there wasn't! I asked inside and they said if you are lucky the drivers do stop there! I will walk again tomorrow but would like to catch the bus if it is raining otherwise I will get soaked and not enjoy the course so much. On the way back I spotted yet another planting arrangement, again, it was ready for winter flowering.
Indoors I made some brooches for the church bazaar, five from one of the patterns I sent for recently, the other one I decided to have a go at making without a pattern!
It remained quite bright so I took a walk down to see the sea this afternoon. Didn't actually go down to the beach as the tide was in, didn't really fancy going down the steps either!
Will add a couple of skies, but not sunsets, you know I like the skies!

I brought the little portable dvd player with me but don't need it as the tv is also a dvd player. I brought a Dara O Brian dvd with me and watched it last night, it was pretty funny. I did some more of the cardigan last night and will probably do a bit more tonight.


  1. Quite a little adventure today. At least the weather held off so you could get out. Hopefully it'll be the same tomorrow.
    Smashing variety of planters, very unusual. I really like the tipper trailer full of plants, I didn't realise it was a display until I looked closely at it. Think you'll need to have a trip back there when they're all in flower, they'll make some nice pics.

    Some nice sky pics too.

    1. Yes, would like to see them in bloom, I can get the bus out from Scarborough!

  2. You did well with the photos, love the watermill planter , it will look fabulous in bloom. Quite a walk for you tomorrow fingers crossed it stays dry. Xxx

    1. Thought it was going to train today, clouded over a couple of times, so fingers crossed it is similar tomorrow. x
