Sunday 22 November 2015

The snow had stayed on the ground over night and the path to the house was a bit like an ice rink this morning. Mike had an interrupted journey but was still here in good time for us to go with Tina to the church. She was delivering the sermon today and Mike has been keen to 'see her in action' for some time now. It was an enjoyable service, although they don't have any of the traditional hymns that I know these days, which is a shame. Tina was staying for a second service so Mike and I walked back along the cliff top so that we could see the sea. The wind was quite bitter, but it was dry until we were home. Darren and Mike were going to go out and do a bit in the shed after Mike and I got the plastic storage cupboard upright and back where it belonged, but it then started to hail again! Tina was home about 1 pm and we went and had dinner at the cafe just up the road. When we got back Darren opened up the garage for us to see in time, he had already removed some of the stuff before this picture!
Oh deary me, where to start, and where to put it all! This was where it has been and the base frame. Mike was amazed that it had not been fixed or anchored in any way.
What was the lawn is now like a very muddy fen so the guys got started on the clearing and Tina and I took boxes and stuff from them at the back door and tried to find homes for it.
Some wet had got into the shed and there was no way it was all coming inside, so Tina and I went off to B & Q to get a tarpaulin to use inside the shed when they had finished for the day. Mike was the one inside, being very careful as he was on the wall of the shed rather that the floor, but he is now the lightest of all of us so the best one for that job! It is much better in there now and they covered this stuff with the tarpaulin after the picture.
Mike and I have watch a film called Stepping Out this afternoon with Liza Minnelli then we watched the Strictly results show.


  1. The service was good this morning, and Tina is very good. Her sermon was very well written, and she delivers it very well. Must have been good, because even I remembered the content of it :-)

    The shed clearing was a job that needed doing pretty soon, so we all pitched in and got it sorted the best we can for now. At least the majority of stuff is inside and the rest is protected from an water damage. Amazingly, the shed landed window side down, and all six pieces of glass seem to be intact!

    It's been a good day, and looks like the weather should be reasonable for tomorrow too. Looking forward to it.

    1. Nothing like having a guest and putting him to work. Meant to say you should see how much we managed to pack in the house and still able to move round it. thanks for you help Mike.

  2. Busy day had by all then, many hands and all that. Surley Darren can make a claim against who put it up. Good job you have your own handy man. Xx

    1. He was certainly a most welcome visitor, and as you say, many hands. A second storage container for the garden is arriving tomorrow so that he can get the rest of the stuff moved. xx
