Thursday 5 November 2015

Dull and a bit colder today, but still mild for the time of year. We had a bit of rain earlier, but the promised heavy rain hasn't arrived yet. Yesterday evening Colonel was very comfortable on my lap and Tina decided she needed to take a photo of his blissful attitude when she came home from her meeting.
This morning Tina and I took a bit of bread and a lot of peanuts to the glen to feed the wildlife and get a bit of fresh air. This duck did actually take food from Tina. I have often fed the geese and swans by hand but haven't often seen a duck brave enough to do it.
A cute autumn squirrel.
This one looked like he was thinking 'You looking at me?'
We walked on a bit and I took this picture of Tina in the glen, although she was trying not to be in the shot to start with!
A lot of the leaves are now fallen but that has made the ground very colourful! Three shots of the glen now as I had trouble deciding, could have been several more!

Just one more of a squirrel taken as we made our way back.
I went up to Cake and Crochet this afternoon, quite a little group of us today which was good. I am now on the second front of the crochet cardigan so I intend to get it finished but will take a few weeks yet I suspect.


  1. That cat rules the house, and you :-)

    Considering the weather, the glen looks really nice. Specially the squirrels.

  2. Colonel certainly is master of the house! Was nice to take a walk in the glen, must do it more regularly.
