Monday 9 November 2015

This morning Tina dropped me in town so that I could get some packages posted, has also sat and written letters last night so got those posted as well. When I got home I decided to make a sponge to leave for Darren and Tina and also had a food delivery which had supplies for me to take to the caravan. Tina had meetings today and struggled with endless roadworks, but she kindly brought me over this afternoon and helped get the case and food into the van. Sorry you had to paddle through mud Tina!! The caravan is lovely and I got myself onto the internet without too much trouble, after I had unpacked. Set the timer to take this one.
When we arrived there was no number on the van and the light was on, so that really threw us, and then the fire was on when we got in, a good start and welcoming. There is also tea and coffee like you get in a hotel room which was a nice touch. Very nice van altogether,
Time for a cuppa now and get settled. Haven't brought a lot of clothes but plenty of different stuff to do!


  1. Looks a nice caravan, and the welcoming touch of lights and fire on is a good one. Never heard of that with a caravan, or the free tea and coffee come the that.

    Hope the mud isn't too deep!

    1. The grass is really squelchy but there is a path, that is very wet but should be fine!

  2. I nearly lost a sandal to the mud on the way back to the car! Traffic wasn too bad though. Glad you're all sorted and cosy.

    1. Those sandals weren't the best shoes in the circumstances were they? Glad your journey back into town wasn't too bad. x

  3. Looks cosy and very spacious. Take care. Xx

  4. Looks lovely nice and peaceful xx
