Friday 13 November 2015

Tina sent a text to me yesterday afternoon saying she was calling in to see me at the van on the way back from Hull. The weather had begun to turn and I was staying in so I thought it would make sense to come back with her yesterday rather than drag her out on an extra trip this morning. So I packed up and after a cup of tea and a natter we made our way back here. It did turn out pretty stormy, so it was a good move. This morning I walked into town to get some different wool to make some crochet snowflakes. Boyes always have great window displays. This shot turned out rather funky because of the reflections of the buildings opposite!
On my way home I called in at the studio to collect the pottery I had painted last week. The cross hasn't been fired yet because it was in the window display, so I will collect that next week. The two bauble trinket pots and the coaster that I did to use up all the spare paint turned out well.
The plaque turned out really well which is a relief.
The little whale turned out well.
Mike was as good as his word and sent me pictures of the pool table cover I made, it really does fit pretty well!


  1. The pottery all turned out well. I particularly like the plaque, that has fired really nicely. You definitely need a plate hanger and a nail now :-)

  2. Well done on all counts, the pool table cover reminded me of the bed cover you made for your mum and dad while in Hayes. Glad your back safe and sound. Horrid here this afternoon. Looking forward to Strictly tonigh. Just descaled the kettle and steamer. Another couple of jobs done. X

  3. Yes, I was telling someone about that bed cover the other day, must have made me think of it too. I am looking forward to Strictly too, depressing news at the moment. Well done with those jobs, a good thing to get out of the way. x
