Thursday 17 October 2024

Slow morning, great late afternoon

I was in for the morning as Tina had appointments and she was expecting a signed for delivery. I made some of my healthy slices first thing and of course the Ringtons man was early today and caught me with mucky hands! I emptied and cleaned the litter trays and then sat and did a couple of crosswords. I went outside and sat on our about to collapse bench, which is rotting, and did a sketch of the garden.
I cleared off the dresser and some surfaces and did some polishing, must have been bored! The parcel still hadn’t arrived when Tina got home, I was just going out to get us some lunch when the man was walking down the drive. So we went and had lunch at the local garden centre and then went round there impressive Christmas display. I took photos on the way round, but as we neared then end I was very disappointed and quite disgusted that there wasn’t one nativity. I am not religious but I was quite put out, much to Tina’s surprise.
When we got home Tina came out with me whenI took food and water round to the hedgehog house. The food was gone and the hay was flattened again. I came indoors to get a little more hay and when I went back a little hedgehog was eating and then made its way onto the house. That made my day.
That new hedgehog house has proved to be the best of bargains!

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Plenty of steps

It was a miserable day but I decided to walk up to Freeport anyway. Rob was there when I arrived and said Caroline would be along later. He suggested I could do a drawing of the artwork on the wall. So that is what I did but I only had a few coloured fine liners with me.
Caroline had work to do on the computer, so I got on with painting one of the Halloween bingo boards.
It was a bit of a pain as the images on the boards should be the same and it is difficult to see what colours have been used when they dry!
We had a chat when she was free and a I chatted to the family I had talked into booking for a session  last week. Two of them were copying one of my samples.
I walked home as it was still dry, although it had been a miserable cold day. Called in and saw Sher briefly at the shop. I walked past the house to the shops as I wanted a few bits, so well over th daily step target today.
I went out to check the hedgehog house, the food from outside had gone again and this time something had been inside. Fingers crossed it was a hedgehog.🤞
I intend to write some letters this evening but no other plans. 
Will finish with a stylised memory that cropped up today.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

My ‘get up and go’ ‘got up and went!’

Have had a day of feeling under par, no particular reason, just lacking energy and inclination! On the plus side I have worn the new glasses all day and my face isn’t too sore.
I have been out three times, two short trips into the town and a longer one this afternoon when I had a package to send so off to the post office and back via the sea. I did get some washing done but not a lot else that was constructive.
I went out and checked the hedgehog house, the food I put there yesterday morning was gone, but not necessarily eaten by visiting hedgehogs! The hay hadn’t been disturbed.
So a couple of photos of the sea, one of the leaves in the park and a couple of sketches. Not more waffling from me today.

Monday 14 October 2024

Good trip to Beverley

This morning I went out early to go to the banking hub, buy some straw and hedgehog food and collect my prescription. Then got ready to catch the but to Beverley. The hearing aid check up went well, all good and she is happy, have an appointment now for a service of the next year, so wished them Happy Christmas! The I went to SpecSavers as I haven’t been able to wear the near glasses because they were reacting on my skin. Saw a lady who altered the position of the nose grips and fingers crossed I think they may be okay now. Then I did some shopping, a birthday present and my charity Christmas cards. Had a bit of lunch and did do a sketch in St Mary’s remembrance garden.
I had a coffee before catching the bus home and was taking a photo of the roofs against the sky and got the waitress as well!
I bought a nice rainbow doormat and put it down when I got home.
The one with the cats on is quite thin so it needs another one on the edge to keep it in place!
I am going to try going to Hornsea WI this evening so will mention how it goes tomorrow.

Sunday 13 October 2024

New hedgehog house

We went to the boot sale, definitely less stalls and the two regular food huts closed. A few weeks ago there had been a man who had hedgehog houses for sale. I decided I was going to get one because the one we have is letting water in now, and he hasn’t been there for a while.I didn’t know his prices and was pleasantly surprised when he said £10. When Darren was carrying it to the car for me he slipped on some mud and ended up on the ground. He was very muddy, well, his coat and trousers were, and he did hurt his hand. I nipped off to buy a cheap t shirt to wipe off some of the mud and for him to sit on while driving home!
We were having dinner at lunch time today as Tina had afternoon and evening services. I rarely make pastry these days and foolishly said I would make a pie! It turned out okay though.
I had ordered some coloured fine liner pens which arrived yesterday. Sal and Carol were coming to cut Darren’s and my hair this afternoon so I did a sketch while I waited for them to arrive.
I went out into the garden and cleared an area for the hedgehog house and laid some weed suppressant and then some pavers.
Then put it in place.I thought I had some hay but obviously got rid of it, so putting anything inside will have to wait.
Nothing else of interest. Off to Beverley tomorrow.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Bit of walking

I went to get the usual Saturday shopping and was going to collect a prescription but our chemist is now closed on a Saturday! I have enough of my night pills for today and tomorrow so must remember to collect them on Monday. Then I caught the bus up to Freeport, had a cuppa at the pottery studio then went up to do some shopping in Pound Stretcher. There is a shelter near the shop so time for a sketch!
I walked home via Polly’s path.
I called in at Tesco on the way home and when I came out the heavens had opened so I got very wet!
Watched a film this afternoon and then went out for a short walk as the weather had brightened up. There is new path being laid in the park.
A second sketch today.
Good telly evening, Strictly and now The Wheel.

Friday 11 October 2024

Unusual puzzle

I went to see Bel as usual this morning, but she wasn’t feeling too good and even a.lowed my to make there and carry it through. I only stayed an hour S she had thought of cancelling my visit but she wanted to return a jigsaw puzzle I had lent her. It was a Christmas one I was sent last year but hadn’t actually done it. It said on the box it was an  Advent calendar but I had  presumed it had numbers on it. When Bel opened the box it was full of little boxes, so she didn’t want to attempt it.
I had to try one, the pieces did all have Nobel one on them so you could even put it all back in the boxes afterwards!
I have put it back in its box now, and may even do it a day at a time in December.
I left early to walk to Jeans after lunch and stopped to do a sketch in the memorial gardens.
The sea was lively and there was a mad lone surfer!
Will finish with a photo from three years ago.