Monday, 14 December 2020

Feeling more positive

I had another really bad night and after much prompting from Tina did manage to book a telephone consultation with a doctor for this afternoon. Meanwhile today I have done a few household chores  and taken regular rests with my legs up. Decided not to walk too far and concentrate on exercises and rest and ice packs! Nice sky this morning so used the camera for a change as I was looking out of the window.

I worked a bit more on the second decorated letter.
I went out to put the fox food down this evening, also checked the hedgehog box, the bit of food in there has gone so something is visiting! Will put some of the proper bedding out tomorrow. I took a picture of the church while out there, not a fabulous sky but just a nice silhouette with the now almost bare trees.
The doctor did phone and was really quite lovely. He is prescribing the stronger tablets I had last time and another one which he hopes will help me at night. He asked questions, said it would take a while and ai seemed to be doing the right things. Hopefully that prescription will be ready to collect tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like Tina had the right idea. Well done Rev for badgering her into ringing for an appointment 😊 Hopefully the new regime and the new pills will be the answer to the painful restless nights 🤞🏻
    Nice skies in the pics. Looks like a couple of ufos in the first one. The silhouette of the church is nice too. Taking of photos, any news on getting the camera back out into the garden for the wildlife?
    Hope you get a reasonable night tonight. Shame you have to wait until tomorrow for the new pill, it might be the one you’ve been looking for!

  2. Yes, she was right to nag me.
    Not too hopeful for tonight but you never know and I have tried to rest the legs more today.
    Hopefully we will sort the camera out again soon, at the moment Tina has the wildlife feeding to do as well as everything else. May have to wait until I am up and running again, so to speak!
