Sunday, 6 December 2020

A short walk and a lot of naps!

I had a better night last night than I have had in a good while. Was on the chair but actually went for four hours without checking the time. I am taking the medication differently, concentrating more on evening and night so will take it that was again this evening. 
I had a letter to post so walked along Newbegin and back again. Just a steady walk with the sticks, I didn’t stop at any shops. Took a couple of photos, one of a Christmas tree outside the Methodist church that was decorated with knitted pom-poms and then another of the window display on a hairdressers on the way back.

I got the meat in the slow cooker and prepared some vegetables, Tina and I got dinner together this evening,
I dozed off in the chair for over an hour this afternoon, I am hoping that it won’t make a difference to getting some sleep tonight.
So more positive but not that energetic!


  1. I’m really pleased to hear you got a better night at last. Hope you can repeat it tonight by using the same routine. Not perfect by any means, but 4 straight hours is good compared to how you have been sleeping. An hour in the will have done you good too. Onward and upward.
    I like the tree with the pom poms. When I first looked I thought they were normal baubles. Very effective and a bit less breakable! The shop window looks good too. They do make an effort with decorations around your way.
    All in all a good day. Let’s hope it’s an upward path from here.

    1. It has been an easy day, but a bit of a walk was good. Fingers crossed for some sleep tonight so that I feel less tired during the day.
