Monday, 21 September 2020

Busy but nothing to show for it!

Apart from going to the shop early this morning I have been indoors getting on with household chores. Did get some washing done and dried out on the line, maybe not many more days I will manage that now. I have remembered to take a photo of the new shopping trolley, actually used it this morning.
I did have a break from clearing and sorting, have never broken down so many boxes, have almost filled the just emptied recycling bins! Anyway, I have never used the chalk pens before and they take a bit of getting used to. Also, although you can wipe off mistakes you can still see the mark of what was there, so obviously I need to endeavour to get it all right first time! Have done the circles on both sides of the A board.
A couple of deliveries today, Tina had ordered a sack of duck and swan food and also a ton of gravel for the drive. That is planted on the lawn in the corner of the front garden.
Did go and see Sarah and David for a while this evening and caught up with the local gossip!
May use the leg exerciser for a while tonight.


  1. No, having looked at the forecast you better make the most of the sun while it’s still about. Starting to revert to more British weather soon!
    Like the trolley, very you. Have you ever had a “normal one? 😊
    The sign looks pretty good so far. Not easy though and the added disadvantage of having to do it twice! Good job you like a challenge. Hope you get free tea and cake after doing it.
    That’s an unusual shopping list, swan and duck food and a ton of gravel!
    Have fun with the pedals. Don’t make your legs ache too much before bed.

    1. Just a few minutes pedalling tonight, quite enjoyable but tomorrow will be the test!
      That is only my second shopping trolley, the last one did about five years service!
      Challenge is the right word for the board!
