Monday, 15 April 2019

Anyone for digging?

I had some cards to post this morning and needed some more stamps, so went to the post office and then up to look at the sea, which was glistening today.

Most of the rest of the day gardening again. Wants to make a start on the other side of the new stepping stones but back, sadly, to undug areas which have also been well trodden! The ground was like concrete and of course loads of weeds and roots!

I charged up the camera with better zoom and took it out into the summer house. Saw lots of different birds today but didn’t catch them all.some pics though, hopefully they will improve!

I managed to clear a good area and even managed to move some of the lavender plants from a different bed.
When I moved the lavender they were bone dry so after I finished the digging and planting I got the hose out and watered the garden. It was quite heavy going today but yesterday u can see where I have been I did move the little tomato plants into the little greenhouse, may put that picture tomorrow.
Off to see a friend for a couple of hours this evening. 


  1. The sea looks nice when it glistens like that. I wonder if the loony surfers are out in Scarborough these days?
    It looks quite pleasant out in your garden today. Shame you have to spoil it with digging and weeding. Much better just to sit around in the summerhouse and enjoy it. The bird pics are quite good. Were they taken through the open door or through the glass?
    The little pathway to the summerhouse will look really nice when those plants spread and thicken a bit.
    Hope you enjoyed your evening.

  2. The pictures were through the glass, better make sure I keep them clean!
    It is all headway when another area is dug, so it was harder today, but worth the effort.
    Very nice cuppa and chat tonight.

  3. Well for pics through glass they’re very good! I don’t like taking pics through my windows as I don’t keep them clean enough on the outside 😊
