Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Getting packed and out for dinner

A day of sorting and packing and last minute wrapping. But went to Bemora with Angela and we had breakfast and a chat. I have pretty much gathered together what I will need for my trip so feeling relatively organised.
When I fed the birds the weather was nice, if a bit chilly, and I really thought it would be nice to do a bit of tidying in the garden, but as my knee started hurting more last night and has remained more iffy today I thought better of it.
I went down to the banking hub this afternoon, go there to get cash now, it seems to be getting quite busy, which is a good thing. Then I got some last minute bits that Ineeded.
Darren suggested that we go out for a meal this evening so we went along to the Chinese restaurant. Their heating wasn’t working and we were the only people in there. But the food was good and we had a lovely meal. The only photo today but a happy one.
Resting the leg for a bit, then will set my rooms in good order, well, better order than they are now anyway!


  1. Good call not doing the gardening. Not point in aggravating the leg too much when you are coming down here for Christmas.
    It’s good being organised for your trip a day in advance, although I bet you’ll think of things tomorrow that you’ve forgotten today.
    A chinese restaurant to yourselves sounds good to me. Bet you didn’t have to wait too long for your food 😊 Darren and Tina look very happy in that pic. Getting in the spirit ready for Christmas.

  2. I want to keep as mobile as possible for being away, so if that means easing up on activity for a bit then so be it.
    Only one sleep left now before heading off, really looking forward to it.
