Wednesday 4 May 2022

More mainly gardening

I have been out in the front garden for a good part of the day today. Although it is lovely and colourful at the moment the weeds are well and truly on the March! The gravel driveway is particularly weedy and has lots of self germinated flowers as well. I have done a bit of gravel clearing as I work my way round. I started with the main front bed, I wanted to remove the dandelions particularly before they start seeding, we have enough already!

The next area was much more of a challenge. Under the large fir tree the couch grass had really taken over. Actually getting to it is not as easy as it sounds. I had to do some pruning of the tree before I could get started, and then was ducking and diving around the branches, crouching a bit to get u under there!

A fair amount of rubbish to get rid of!
Had a break and then thought I would just do a bit of tidying on the bed down towards the house, and at least try and shift some of the dandelions. At the bottom near the gate the plants needed pruning back as they were reducing the parking area, if Tina is able to park a bit nearer the side the hope is that others will leave some room for people to be able to drive round the lawn rather than have to back out. I am not holding my breath! Did do some gravel clearing but in the end gave up before it was completely cleared!

Had a bath when I came in and have been pottering a bit, taken the birthday cards down and rearranged the plants!


  1. Well I’m sure you’ve done way too much today, so I hope you don’t suffer for it later. I have to say it does all look extremely nice. It’s a great house, and the garden just sets it off nicely. Trouble is you have twice as much at the back as there is at the front! Just the pruning of the bottom of the tree is a task in itself! Not the easiest of places to be trimming branches. I do like to see the before and after pics as there’s a big difference. A good day and half’s work fitted into today I think 😊 Easy day tomorrow?

    1. I did work pretty hard today. The rain didn’t arrive but we have had a shower this evening wher people were actually using umbrellas. So maybe the plants got a little drink at least. Tina is off tomorrow so maybe a trip out and no gardening!

  2. Wish my garden looked like yours you are so green fingered but don’t overdo it xxx

  3. Will try not to, but a drop of rain yesterday has sent the weeds wild!
