Monday 23 May 2022

Getting sorted

I came over to stay with Rose this morning, we did lots of measuring and trying to work out how to get a bed in their living room along with somewhere to sit, and if did seem like an impossible task. But by moving a cabinet into another room and thinking about what could be moved we begun to get a plan. Talked to the doctor, who is pleased with Margherita’s progress but will have a care program coming in to start with and arrange for physio to continue. We struggled actually ordering a new bed that will come in time but sorted that, fingers crossed! Also arranged for bulky furniture collection for things that need to go. Then we went to the Orton Centre had lunch and got some shopping. Loved this sign in the cafe!
We have done some cleaning and have Mike coming over to help out tomorrow.
I have a different cat on this bed!!
Onward and upward tomorrow.


  1. Things are moving forward. You have a plan now at least and deliveries and removals in the pipeline. You’re very good at this arranging stuff. Might have to get you to sort me out next 😊 I’m looking forward to seeing both you and Rose tomorrow and to make use of my labouring skills. It’s great that Margherita is soon coming home and it’ll be nice for her to have everything ready.
    I live the cafe sign too. I might have to have chips after reading that.
    That cat looks quite cute too. Hopefully it won’t commandeer most of the bed this evening!
    Hope you get a reasonable night. See you tomorrow, assuming I don’t get lost 😊

    1. We are getting there, hopefully it will all come together,
      We will be glad of the help tomorrow.

  2. Love that sign so true in my humble opinion- gorgeous cat 🐈 bit like Edi

  3. Yes, loved the sign and the cat is like Edi. All is moving along here.
