Friday, 11 February 2022

Relaxing day

Not an awful lot to say today but it has been a good day and a relaxing one. Bel came round on her motor scooter today and was in good spirits. We had a good chat, putting the world to rights, if only!
Sarah and David came to collect me and we went to Flemingate in Beverley to the cinema. I took a photo of the Minster on the way on.
Then one of the huge camera in the building, or is it a projector?
We went to see ‘Belfast’ and we all thought it was a really good and interesting film. The lad that played the lead was fantastic.
Another photo of the minster as we were leaving, not quite the same angle as this time there was a play area in front of it!
I didn’t have a good night so am feeling quite weary tonight but I did manage to stay awake through the film. A couple of programs I want to watch this evening and a reasonably early night.


  1. Sounds like a pleasant day, and not so much hassle and bustle as usual.
    I’m looking forward to seeing Belfast myself, but I doubt it’ll be in a cinema. I’m sure it’ll be on the tv before too long on one of the cinema channels. Glad you managed to stay awake and didn’t miss any of it.
    I think that’s a projector. A fair bit of kit which no doubt has shown thousands of films in it’s time.
    I had to chuckle as I read this entry as both references to the Minster ended up as the monster 👹😂

  2. Thanks for the prompt. now corrected.
    A restful day, maybe a more active day tomorrow.
