Sunday, 13 February 2022

Hand sewing a name!

Today has been miserable, weather wise, and I am going to pretty much stay away from people as Darren has Covid. I am feeling fine and no symptoms and at the moment Tina is okay too, but I won’t be taking any chances. If the weather had been kinder I may have considered doing a bit in the garden, but it was wet and cold. In the end I spent a good bit of the day sewing.
Last night Tina came up and picked Pandora up, that is something I can’t do, she goes crazy if I try, it all goes back to the time I held her down very much against her will when Tina was flea treating her! Anyway, this time she turned her on her back and she didn’t fight to get down. Not very sharp as the lighting isn’t great in my room in the evening.
Bit blurred as well, but you get the picture!
Donny is now wearing her new top!
Pandora evening today, Tina sent me this photo earlier, Pandora couldn’t open the dining room door so crept into one of the storage boxes while she waited!
Pottery Throw Down and Trigger Point tonight so that is the evening sorted.


  1. It has been a pretty miserable day. I’ve not ventured out. Spent time pottering and getting a bit bored at times.
    Shame Pandora won’t let you pick her up like that, but cats do seem to have a very long memory! I didn’t see her in the pic Tina sent you. I thought it was a shadow to start with 😊
    Donny looks smart and it was another job that kept you occupied for a while.
    I’m looking forward to both programs this evening too. So better get my feet up ready!

  2. I think we are forecast to have a wet miserable week, so better find more little jobs to do inside!
