Tuesday, 19 June 2018

The rest of the day!

After a lot of time and patience I can now, hopefully finish this post on the iPad. The walk this morning was very pretty but also excessively hot and humid even though I was out so early. I entered the entrance to the lake along a wooded path.
Such a pretty walk but more hilly than I had expected.

I was really overheated by the time I got home but had walked for an hour.
After a shower and breakfast Lee took me to the mall where we bought this iPad, we have battled with actually doing the blog on it but are getting there.
We watched the football this afternoon, very much on edge watching England as usual, but they did win! Patty,s mum came over and cooked us a very nice dinner which was lovely.
We had a big storm this evening but it doesn’t,t feel any cooler.


  1. That lake looks a really nice place to walk. I’m guessing you’re keeping up the targets on the Fitbit while you’re there?
    The shower looks more like a monsoon! Bet it was quite refreshing even though it was still hot.
    Glad you’re getting the hang of the iPad now.
    Have fun.

  2. It was like a tropical storm,but then the weather is pretty tropical at the moment!
    Not meeting all the Fitbit targets but glad I brought it with me.
