Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Clay play and family fun

I bought some silk clay and foam clay yesterday but didn't buy anything new to practice with it on. But remembered I had some terracotta ornaments that I had bought there a couple of weeks ago.
The clays are very smooth so leave no residue on your hands, but they will take a little getting used to.
This morning Darren took me to the post office in Skipsea, then we had a bit of a drive and had coffee and cake at the garden centre. I bought some reduced bulbs and a silly after dinner game for later. We had a lot of rain in the night and we do have a puddle again outside, but our efforts have reduced it considerably.
Back home it was preparation for dinner and getting ready for the family arriving for 'second Christmas' later. They had a good journey and arrived in good time. The meal went pretty well and we played some bingo and charade games before dessert. Then presents and more fun later.

They headed off to their holiday home about 8 pm and will visit again tomorrow and see the house and more importantly the garden in daylight..


  1. Another busyish day for you. Shame the puddle has reappeared in the garden, but not everyone has a pond :-) Think the only way to get rid of it is to have a soakaway dug in. Lot of hassle though. Just buy a couple of ducks, it’s easier.
    Glad you had a good time with the family. Like the pics, particularly the one with Isobel pointing and Tina with her mouth open. I’m guessing it was part of a game!
    Hope the weather stays fine for tomorrow so they can have a good look around the garden, and maybe you can all get out somewhere too.

  2. Tina was pretending to eat her hand I think, but we were playing silly games at the time!
    I am sure we will get to do something, even if just a wander round the town as they liked the look of it as the drove in. They will want to see the churches as well, lots to see on a first visit.
