Monday 27 October 2014

Today the plan was to go to Cayton Bay Holiday park and get day passes. Tina kindly gave us a lift to the station to catch the bus which was good. Isobel climbed up onto the seats to wait for said bus!
The swimming pool wasn't open when we got there so we had a very windy game of  crazy golf.
We went in the pool, no photos allowed there, but we were about an hour in the water and Isobel braved the water slides for the first time. She really swims well with the arm bands now which was lovely to see. After that out on the play equipment for a bit.
Then it was off to the beach, the wind was very strong and nearly blew us down the ridiculously steep hill. Here is Isobel as we set off.
This picture because I like it, no other reason!
A couple of beach shots -

Then the start of the climb back.
Then back at the top.
We caught the bus back to Scarborough, walked through town having luxury hot chocolate on the way, walked home and have been out for pizza this evening, so another full day.


  1. Well that looks like fun, but hard work up and down the hill! Isobel really does like the beach and the water. She's braver than me paddling in that stream, I bet she had cold feet!

    You have some really nice pictures there. I particularly like the boat one too. The scale of the boat to Isobel is perfect, the crashing wave, perfectly straight horizon, and virtually a third sky, a third sea, and a third beach. Great picture!

  2. You should. Another framer :-)

    1. It is where to hang them that is the problem!!
