Wednesday 22 October 2014

This morning Darren and I did some household chores and he found a couple of otter pictures that he got for me months ago at a boot sale, and then lost them as they were packing to move. I hung them above my bed with a nice picture of Darren and I which hadn't been given wall space since I arrived.
Before we went out I sat and made a poster for the craft group. Then we had lunch and Darren dropped me off near the community centre so I could hand in the poster and make a couple of samples.
I did make a calendar and two cards, all including buttons, but have left them at the centre and didn't take pictures. Now I am knitting to add to the invasion of the hedgehogs!!


  1. Are the otters foil, or is it just the flash?

    Good poster. Hope you get lots of people turn up. Well, not hoards obviously :-)

    The hedgehogs look really nice. Bet you'll end up have to make a lot more of them when people see them.

    1. Yes, the otters are foil pictures. The other groups aren't over supported so it will be interesting to see. I am knitting a small hedgehog, and will probably do a few more.
