Sunday 5 October 2014

This morning I walked up to the church for the harvest festival service. Lovely service and Tina was preaching, she has quite a following of fans. A really beautiful morning, hard to believe we are into October. The view as I was walking away from the church was great.
Then, for a change, the castle, this time from the church which is close by.
I walked back along the cliff top, this view is of the paths up the cliff rather than the bay itself.
It was such a lovely day I decided to take the open top bus along to the Spa End of the south bay. This pretty flower, plus bee, was near The Clock Cafe.
I spent quite a while, and a lot of missed shots trying to capture the waves hitting the sea wall. I did get a couple which are worth posting!

I saw a large black seabird  catch a fish and fly off, I think it was a cormorant, that was exciting, then the pirate ship sailed by!!
I took this picture of the Valley Bridge from the other side, The Grand Hotel and the disused cliff lift. There are two still in operation, one at the Spa End and one along the south bay.


  1. Love the walking away from the church view!

    It's nice to be able to relate to all the places you mention and show, having seen some of them myself. I like the casual reference to the pirate ship sailing by as if it's an everyday occurrence. It may be for you Scarboroughites, but not the general population :-)

  2. Maybe I'll see the pirate ship next weekend :-)
