Sunday 19 October 2014

Darren and I went to the boot sale this morning, it is the last one this year. Very windy today but at least it was dry and not misty! The sale is in the middle of nowhere, and actually on the field, so I suppose that is why it cannot continue through the winter.
I bought a tray, a few buttons and a great round box which will take my knitting needles and wool and match the cushions!
After dinner I walked to the town as I needed some white wool, then I walked on down to the south bay and caught the bus back. The day had been pretty fine but the clouds were rolling in and I took this picture of the harbour from the top of the bus.
I walked back through the park and took a picture of some coloured leaves as gale force storms are expected and there will be no leaves left to change colour!


  1. So, did you take a coat, or buy one when you got there? :-)

    I think the box was a great find. I hope you haggled over the price!

    1. Wore a fleece and my waterproof/wind proof coat and water resistant shoes! No didn't haggle, thought the price was reasonable!

  2. You have been very busy, love the autumn colours the trees look wonderful, shame this wind will soon have them off.

    1. Could barely keep my feet in the wind today. x
