Monday 13 October 2014

Not a day today for trips or pictures. But the sky was lovely again last night.
This morning I did go out as I wanted to look in the second hand shops for a table or cupboard to put my microwave on. Went to several but nothing really seemed right. Then I went to the British Heart Foundation shop where I bought the bookcases and saw a 1940s trolley which I really liked. I am hoping that Darren or Tina will be able to pick it up for me soon. I went out to lunch with Tina and Chris to the Coast Gallery and Tea Room.
It was a few miles out from the town, and has paintings and ceramics by several different artists. They are all around the walls so that you can see original artwork while you have your snack. A very pleasant little trip out. When I got home I spent quite a while moving boxes around and making a proper space for the trolley when it arrives. Really very windy and wet at the moment. Have arranged to give blood tomorrow if they don't refuse it again this time, I tend to have a low iron count.


  1. Glad you found a trolley you like for the microwave. I'm sure someone will pick it up for you, so you can get sorted out.

    Hope the blood doning goes ok tomorrow.

  2. Thank you, I am hoping it goes okay this time.
