Thursday 2 October 2014

Tina got home well after 10 pm last night and was saying she had parked in a very tight place. She wasn't kidding, reversing uphill in the dark in this road is bad enough. Judge for yourself!
Darren and I went with Tina to collect her new car and say goodbye to the one in the photo. all went well and she has now gone off to college and will be back tomorrow night. I took a walk into town, I had another letter to post and had run out of stamps. Have probably sent off about 20 missives in the last couple of weeks as I am on a roll. On the way back I say this great machine/gadget for cleaning windows or doing repairs.
Also on the way back I passed this front garden which I see most days, it is just such a novel way of recycling an old bathroom suite.
I have shortened three pairs of trousers today and may do some sewing this evening, unless Darren decides he would like us to go to the fair!


  1. Replies
    1. For Tina it can't just be any blue, she will keep the car until it gives up so may as well get what you want. x

  2. Nice parking. It'll be even more fun in the winter with snow on the roads! Rather her than me!
    Like the lifting gadget. Perfect for getting into small places where the more normal lorry mounted lift can't get. I could do with one for my flat windows.
    The bath looks a lot more colourful now than I remember it. The flowers must have opened up more.

    1. I think they may have put some new plants in the bath, makes me smile every time I go by!
