Sunday 12 October 2014

This morning we went with Darren quite early to a boot sale a few miles away. Weather was lovely here then we drove into fog. At the boot sale it was freezing, ended up buying a coat and gloves, also on a grassy field so had very wet feet as well!! It was enjoyable though, good sausage sandwich for breakfast and I bought a rather manic looking 'devil' pig to add to the collection!
Back home another beautiful day so Mike and I took a walk to the front, had a game of crazy golf. Mike says he let me win!
Then we took a walk along the beach and I clambered over the rock pools. Did see a crab but didn't have the camera at the time.

We had dinner at the Coffee Beans restaurant with Darren, sadly Tina had forgotten that she needed to be at a service when we were booked. The weather is still lovely so hope it stays that way for Mike's journey home.


  1. That picture makes the pig look a lot more evil than it does in real life. Although I still wouldn't want it on my bedside table :-)

    The weather was beautiful again in Scarborough itself. I've not had a bad day there since I started visiting. I'll come unstuck sometime though. It stayed fine for the drive home, which took about three hours ten minutes. I feel tired now after such a busy weekend, but it was well worth it.

    Had quite a few laughs with Darren, and it was a real shame that Vicarage couldn't make it to the meal, but maybe next time I visit.

    1. Yes Mike, a really good weekend and I am glad that the weather held for your drive home. :-)
