Monday 6 October 2014

It has been a miserable day today from start to end, very wet, windy and quite cold. I weathered the storm this morning to sort out Tina's new parking permits and to get a couple of things in town, The out in the weather again this afternoon as it was the official opening of a community centre and I was thinking I may go and volunteer. Well, not only volunteering it seems but running a craft group on a Wednesday morning 'Jan's Christmas Crafts'! I am going to see the lady that gets all the craft equipment, and it is very well equipped. on Wednesday this week to arrange it. I was pretty tired when I got home as a lot of walking in soggy conditions. But, to brighten my day Tina came in with flowers, sparkly even, to thank me for going out in the awful weather to sort her parking permits out.
Darren and Tina's packing boxes are being collected tomorrow so I will help Darren get them out of the shed in the morning. He will be very happy to actually have room in his shed after all this time.


  1. I posted on here over an hour ago and it's disappeared, or never appeared!!!!!
    What I posted last time, maybe not word for word.

    Sounds like you've had a positive sort of day. "Jan's Christmas Crafts" has a good ring to it :-)

    It was nice of Vicarage to buy you flowers. She's lovely.

    1. Yes it was, and they have glitter on so the whole place is sparkly now! :-)

  2. Sparkly carpets, they're the best sort :-)
