Saturday 18 October 2014

It was wet and windy last night, but has remained dry and a bit dull during the day. I had my flu jab this morning, the local surgery has a special clinic and there were three nurses giving the jabs. I walked to the castle, as I had meant to go back with my sketch book. The climb up nearly finishes me off and the wind didn't help. Took a picture of St Mary's as I went by.

Then a different view of the castle.
Then a view from the castle grounds.
On the way down I took a picture of the entrance and of a weed seed head, well, had to properly try the camera!

I went into town, visited a little gallery Darren had told me about, down a very steep hill! Needed to get some black wool and some toy stuffing to finish a hedgehog I have been making. At the castle I sat on one of the benches with a cup of tea and did a pen drawing. Was very blustery, but reasonable pleased with the result.
I was quite tired when I got home, so filled the bird feeder and have sat and finished off the hedgehog. This is not made with the wool from the pattern but with wool left over from a scarf I made a couple of weeks ago.


  1. Well, the camera works well. You've got some really nice pictures there, and even though they are reduced in size, you can see a lot of detail. Well worth the walk up there.

    I love the castle drawing!

    1. I knew you would like that one, I bought a drawing pen yesterday so thought I had better give it a whirl!

  2. Morning, we also had our flu jabs last week, Brian did not have any side effects but as usual mine was very painful for a few days. The photos look good, took similar ones of the church on our visit. Not a brave as you to make it up to the castle but will next time. Hedgehog looks great.

  3. Sketch looks really good are you going to colour it.

    1. Will probably leave that one but am getting some prints enlarged to do some paintings when I can't get out. will do a sketch using the church photo as well. My shoulder was sore last night, but seems to have settled! x
