Thursday 9 October 2014

I went to the final session of the mosaic project. It is looking great, managed to get a photo of Gabby, the artist, she has made many mosaics with groups, she did the one that is at the police station in Scarborough.
It was mostly filling in gaps today, but the shell earmarked for me was waiting, even though I haven't been for three weeks! So here it is, they seemed pleased.
This is the mosaic, I have said I will help on the day it is assembled on the wall, a major job that will be!


  1. Wow, looks good. Great to have been part of it all. Every time you see it you'll know you did bits of it.

    1. Yes, a pretty ambitious project, gabby is a lovely lady, glad I got involved.

  2. You are looking fabulous and the mosaic is pretty cool too xxxx
