Thursday 30 October 2014

Back in Scarborough now. Had a really nice meal out although only Angie, Michelle and myself in the end. But we had a great evening with a lovely meal and good service again.
Saw Clare this morning and we walked through the village to get nice fresh rolls for lunch. this was our 'make us look even fatter' photo!
This afternoon we went out for coffee and a good natter with Sarah, haven't seen her since I moved so that was a good catch up.
Finally, for a change, sunset from Peterborough station!!


  1. Glad you had a good time all round.

    You had to rub it in with the Peterborough sunset though :-)

  2. Only joshing. I never seem to be in the right place at the right time for them, or is it that I forget to look? That's probably more like it. I am getting forgetful. Now, what was I on about..............

  3. I don't need to know that, luckily Vicky does :-)
