Saturday 4 October 2014

It was wet and miserable here this morning, as I think it was in a lot of places. Darren and I walked into town in the rain as he had some bits to get and I have been searching for watercolour pencils. We were both successful on our missions which was good and it had stopped raining by the time we were home. A couple of flowers have opened on the canna lily, but all the ones in the park are dead so I think the change in the weather will finish it off, so I took another picture!
After lunch I thought I would go out and give the watercolour pencils a test run, seemed like a good idea that messing about with a palette of colours. Walk a different route near the top of the cliff where there are shelters.
I didn't sit in the shelters after all as they were a bit of a mess, think they may be used by the rough sleepers. So dried a bench off instead. Not that pleased with the sketch, the colours are a but lurid and although there are 24 pencils not really the right ones and they don't blend easily. But it seemed like a good idea at the time, I have rather a lot of those sort of ideas!!