Thursday 9 October 2014

Darren an I spotted a necklace that we thought Tina would like yesterday, they let me take a picture of it, and today I went there with Tina. She did indeed like the necklace and loved the shop as she is knowledgeable about gems so it was very interesting for her. After that I had planned to have my hair cut, and had decided to be a bit less 'white'. No, not the blue in the post a few days ago! Just a subtle change.
Maybe the blue next time! Off to the last session on the mosaic later, I saw Gabby on Monday, she is the artist who designed it, and she asked if \I was 'coming to play' for the last session. Just finishing off. May get to take a picture, but if not I think it is due to me mounted on a wall where I am going to be volunteering.


  1. That looks really nice, and suits you. In fact that's a very nice picture altogether.

    Hope the final session went ok. I look forward to seeing a picture of the finished item.

    1. It is done and I did take a picture so will add another post when I have eaten!

  2. Hair looking lovely especially with the extra colour, makes you look younger.xxxx

  3. I'm sure the mosaic will look wonderful, it will be good to see it on a regular visit while volunteering, knowing you had a hand in its creation.

    1. Yes, I think it will looked great, will take a picture of it when in place, you will be able to see it on your next trip. x

  4. Nice hair! You remind me of someone but I can't quite place who!

  5. Really? Let me know when you remember! x

  6. Weirdly, I think it might be your mum (when she was young, obviously). Does that get me in trouble?!

    1. No, there is likely to be some family resemblance, mum was a very attractive lady when she was young. xx

  7. Exactly, almost as beautiful as you in her youth :) x

    1. Put those rose coloured spectacles away now!! xxx

  8. Really nice to read these comments after all this time. Definitely looked younger, but it was eight years ago!
