Sunday, 3 April 2022

A long day and a fab show

Today was long nd I had been stressed about getting into the venue etc. in the end I managed to get the ticket up on the phone only ns nobody asked to see the lateral flow test result! But when we were lined up at eleven for the meet and greet we were told there was a delay and we could have our gift bags and check in but the show would be an hour later than advertised and the meet and greet would be after the show. So O had a few hours to get lunch and find something to do so I went to the Ferens gallery which I will post pictures of another day. 
The show itself was fantastic. Very interesting content about being connected, Ashley was on stage most of the time and talking to the audience and explaining videos on the screen as well as being involved with all the dancing. So I will post photos with the odd comment!

That’s me while the venue was filling up and then Ashley and Perry on a skit about explaining a mobile phone to someone from a couple of hundred years ago,

‘Raining’ at the end of the first half and they were drenched, the guys were mopping up and wiping down in the interval! At the start of the second half they had a funny video about getting ideas for the show and lots of little children were involved choosing subjects and costumes and a very silly sequence  was on after that!

Then they got the audience involved in making a track that could be downloaded after the show.

They touched on Black Lives Matter, and then on how being connected can become confused as well as being good on many occasions.

More about phones and more ‘rain’ towards the end.

Then the meet and greet which was the cherry on the cake. They commented n my earrings so that was the conversation sorted! Lovely guys!

I made my way to the station where Tina was picking me up, I went out before nine this morning and was indoors again just after eight this evening, but it was a fabulous day.


  1. I’m really pleased it all went ok in the end. I know you were stressed, but I also knew you’d manage to sort it all out. You’re not one to give in 😊 Judging from the pics it was certainly well worth it. I can imagine it was a great show, and getting to meet them backstage for pics and a chat really topped the day off nicely. The pics you took are pretty good for a phone in a venue like that. I image you’ll be getting the one with you and the group framed. I love the fact that they crouched down a bit for one of the pics. They really do seem a nice bunch.
    Having the Rev pick you up made life a bit easier too. Just rounded a long day off nicely. Maybe you’ll sleep well tonight after a long day.

    1. They just were so natural and friendly and the friendship within the troupe was obvious as well. A truly amazing show.
      Should sleep well so fingers crossed!
