Tuesday 28 February 2017

The day had arrived when I had to descend the stairs! Went down on my bottom and that worked just fine. With Tina there in case I fell out of the house, and Darren getting the car in as convenient place as possible I made it to the car without mishap! Darren let me get out at the drop off area at the hospital and went to park the car, a paramedic took pity on me and got me into a wheelchair to wait for him. I was seen by the consultants assistant quite quickly but then waited for about 40 minutes before being called in to have the cast removed. The guy that removed the cast was brilliant, fitted me with the boot and explained the do's and don'ts of wearing it. It has five wedges in the heel and I am to remove these one at a time at 10 day intervals. The boot also has a 'rocking' base to encourage heel to toe action. It felt very strange and quite painful to start, but he had me walking up and down the room until he was sure I had the hang of it!
But the brilliant news is, no more hopping! I can walk on it, so that will make movement easier. When we were home I managed the steps on the path and got into the house, not exactly confidently, but without any incidents. I also managed to get up all of the stairs using one crutch and going one stair at a time. He had told me if I couldn't do it then to go up and down stairs on my bottom, but not to crawl. I was going to get Darren to drop me off at the studio for a bit but when we got there it was closed.
The crocuses are coming up in the tubs at the front of the house, they have appeared since I have been stuck indoors.
I haven't done a great deal since we got home. I haven't been sitting in the window at my computer since I had the operation, but made my way across there to take a picture of the sky which was looking quite pretty this afternoon.
Holby tonight and then I may try the new thriller.


  1. A very busy day by your latest standards. Even though it was a lot of hassle it must have been good to get out the house. Might stave off getting stir crazy for a while. The boot is a little more chunky than I'd imagined. Should be fun when it's tangled in the bed sheets tonight and you try to turn over :-)
    That's a very nice skyscape you took out the window. You'll soon be back to lots of outdoor photography.
    Hope the boot gives you a bit more freedom around your rooms.

  2. I am already feeling the benefit, the hopping was taking it's toll. Getting about is still a bit of an effort but I am not exhausted by it now which is good!
    I thought those dark clouds looked a bit like mountains.....

  3. Wow, looks bulky. Still the protection will be good should anyone knock it with the shopping trolley. Great it feels easier. Xx

  4. That's true! Thanks for the great card by the way, will mail you. xxx
