Saturday 4 February 2017

Another good day.  Rachel took me up to Morrisons where I met Angie and we had a couple of hours together over breakfast and another drink in the cafe. She is still snowed under with work and apparently Axion are about to merge with another company so a lot of change and probably some uncertainty on the horizon. Anya and Isobel came to collect me and we didn't go to the pool as Isobel has a sore throat so not a good idea to go to her lesson. We went to town, very busy, and have a good wander round and a coffee stop, well tea really, but calling it a tea stop sounds odd!! I have always thought the guild hall was a lovely building in the square.
We went back to their house and Isobel went into the garden to go on her trampoline, I helped her clear the twigs and leaves and tried to take some pictures, this one turned out really well.
When Isobel came in we played a couple of her new games, and then we watched a couple of episodes of Spy in the Wild. They hadn't watched any so we all enjoyed the amazing scenes that were recorded. We went out for dinner. Louis joined us, and had a very nice meal and then they dropped me back here at Rachel's. We watched Casualty then Rachel and I, and Niles for a while had a pleasant hour or more colouring and chatting.


  1. You're having some great weather for your trip, which is good for getting out and about and meeting up with people. Trouble is the time goes so quickly. Like the pic of isobel on the trampoline :-)
    Hope you have a great day today (Sunday) too. How's the ankle holding up?

  2. The ankle and knee are not great, but no worse than they have been before either really. The weather has been kind, and it has gone quickly as I am off home tomorrow!
