Thursday 9 February 2017

Just a short entry today. Darren was unwell at the beginning of the week and Tina has had a headache which turned into a very nasty tummy bug last night. I managed to get to my blood test appointment before the bug hit me. I have also had the headache and nasty bug. The pain is not quite so bad yet, but am on only water for the rest of today at least. Between visits to the loo I got on with and finished the puzzle. Great fun to do, I will put it back in the box as I really don't have the room for any more pictures.
I had a lie down for a while this afternoon as my knee was hurting as well as my tummy and I couldn't chance any pain killers.
There was a snow flurry earlier and it is very cold, not looking too good for the next few days, weather wise.


  1. Sorry to hear you're all feeling unwell. Hopefully once you get over it it'll be all clear for the op and the convalescing. Have a day at home tomorrow in the warm, that should help a bit.
    The puzzle looks good now it's done. You'll probably be doing another one tomorrow to keep you occupied.

    1. That's a possibility. Need to shop, but we will see.
