Sunday 5 February 2017

It is not going to be a long post today. I has been enjoyable but have just made a couple of visits and talked! Michelle picked me up about 10 am and drove me over to Eye to see Emmie my 96 year old friend there. Although Ruby, the other 96 year old who passed away in December had been my main friend I had promised to keep in touch and still visit Emmie. Also she had a little memento of Ruby for me which she had been given by her grand-daughter. Emmie had the choice of this tapestry piece of a biscuit barrel. She chose the tapestry and I am delighted as Ruby did some lovely tapestry work and this can be hung up to be seen.
After that visit we went to Van Hage for a cup of tea and bought a piece of cake to share for dessert, they do take away boxes! Michelle had meat cooking in the slow cooker so we had plenty of chatting and a nice meal. I was back her for the evening about an hour ago and will start getting the case packed and myself organised as Darren is collecting me in the morning for the drive home.
Really pleased I made the last minute decision to make this trip, as it will probably be a while before I am down this way again.


  1. It's good you got to see Emmie, and the tapestry is a great reminder of Ruby. She did love crafts of all descriptions.
    The weekend has gone quickly, but as you say it was a good decision to come down as it might be a while before you can do it again. Next time you'll be jogging around Peterborough :-)
    Have a good trip home tomorrow.

  2. It should be fine, haven't heard from Darren but I am sure he won't forget to collect me!! Don't think I could have picked a better reminder of Ruby, so that was a really lovely surprise.
