Friday 24 February 2017

I have had a very quiet day today, did three small jigsaws, the 150 piece ones, they are quite fun to do and filled some time. I think the confinement is beginning to get to me!
Darren and Tina went to the new Lidl store that opened recently. They said it was really lovely and arrived back with lots of nice snacky things for me to eat!  Very tempting to have the goodies here, looks like the need to exercise when I can will be even more important. They took the vases and paints back to the studio on there way to do the shopping. Don't know when they will be glazed, the usual day is Wednesday but as it has been half term they may do an extra kiln session.
I thought I had a ball of scarf wool tucked away so went and found it to have something different to do, but I cannot make head nor tail of the instructions so have started one of the 300 piece puzzles.
They are bright and colourful puzzles and a good size. Not too difficult but they help to pass the time. I am on the second series of The Good Wife now and still enjoying it but trying not to watch endless episodes. Room 101 in a bit which always makes me laugh.


  1. The puzzles look good, but I bet they don't take you very long to do these days. You've had a lot of practice. What other stuff have you got lined up to do?
    I like Lidl, they do have different snack stuff you don't see in other shops. In fact they do a good selection of most things and are very good value. You'll have to eat all the snacky stuff after it was bought specially for you, it's good manners :-)

  2. Perhaps I should move them all to another room, that would slow down the eating a bit as I don't move unless I have to!! Nothing particular lined up at the moment.
