Saturday 25 February 2017

This morning I was letting my lack of mobility and the build up of stuff around the room get to me. Making the bed as it is high, and against the wall is difficult to make when I have two working legs, so I had a few minutes of feeling sorry for myself! I gave myself a talking to, came and finished off the jigsaw I started yesterday and was going to do some patchwork but think I must have packed the templates I have! Did find some cross stitch pieces to get on with though.
I have packed the puzzle away again now, but really like this set and if there is room when we move I will do them again and have them on the wall! Tina suggested the smaller ones I have done would make nice place mats if they were varnished which was a good idea.
The cross stitch pieces that I found were Easter ones, which is quite good timing. I had done the chick and egg but have added the details today. The sheep one isn't finished but is well on the way.
This evening has been lovely, Tina cooked a very nice risotto with pork for us all and they carried all of the meals up here so that we could eat together. Really was a great way to round off a day that didn't start with me in the best of moods. Watching Let it Shine and then Casualty so well occupied for the evening.


  1. Being stuck in like you are is bound to get you down as yours so used to being in and out the house and doing a multitude of stuff. Glad to hear you soon cheered up though. The puzzle is a really nice one, and Tina's idea about using them as table mats is a very good one. Another job for the list when your better :-)
    Pork risotto sounds good, and I bet it was even tastier having someone else cook it for you? Might need to try some of that next time I'm up there if Tina is in the mood to cook it again.
    A meal together in your rooms was really a nice way to finish off the day for you. Maybe Sunday lunch up there tomorrow? :-)

    1. Yes, think they might join me again although it is a bit of a drag having to bring it all up two flights. I did say I would try and go down, but I think the thought of witnessing me trying to get up here again was enough to rule that option out!!
