Wednesday 22 February 2017

I got the confirmation letter today regarding my appointment to see the consultant next Tuesday, so that is good news as it will be just under two weeks since the surgery. I did watch a couple of episodes of The Good Wife this morning, but have spent the rest of the day marking out and then painting the two vases that I brought home from the studio. I marked them with a Sharpie pen. I experimented with them a while ago, where the pen lines are will be slightly indented and not coloured, so the final effect will be very different.
The vases are quite big, the flat area is about eight and a half inches square. Once I had them marked I sponged some paint over the vases, including over the design.
I have been painting the leaves using two different purple shades. This was after the lighter one, the darker shade is still work in progress. I have spent several hours on them today.
I will probably get the painting finished tomorrow. Darren will drop them off at the studio for me so that they can be glazed and fired.
The walking frame is much better, but it still exhausts me getting around, really need to work on getting fit when I can get out and about again!


  1. Glad your appointment is sorted. Things seem to be flying along, but probably don't feel like it from your point of view.
    The vases are looking great. I really like the shape of them for a start, and the design is lovely. Added to that the different technique, and I think you're definitely onto a winner. Just tell Darren not to drop them on the way to the firing! :-)

  2. That would not be great, but I am sure he will be careful. It has been a much better day getting on with them, hasn't dragged at all. It is good to know the appointments are in place for me to work towards getting mobile again.
