Monday 20 February 2017

Not a lot to report today really. I am enjoying The Good Wife, I have watched four or five episodes now. Darren and Tina have kept me well supplied with drinks, too well almost, as I keep needing to go to the loo which is a real pain! Hopefully the walking frame will arrive soon and I can put the crutches out of the way!
I got the little set of Russian dolls out, they are quite cute and I was surprised that the paints had not dried up. Only six colours, but thought I would get on with them and see how it went.
I carried on and this is how they were before I applied the varnish.
My sister gets me the Peterborough Lions quiz to have a go at every year. This year I actually finished it and sent it off. I asked for a result sheet and they send the form back, that is what is on the table. The theme this year was Out and About in the UK, some very obscure answers but I enjoyed researching it. I actually had two answers wrong so didn't go in the draw for a prize, but it was good to enter. 
I have finished the little dolls now and will give them back to Isobel next time I see them.
The pain is still not too bad although my toes do keep going numb now!


  1. I never did finish my Lions quiz, so I definitely won't be winning!
    The little dolls look lovely. Bet Isobel will be chuffed with those. I assume she only gave them to you to paint, not keep?
    Hope the walker turns up tomorrow to make your life a bit easier.
    Enjoy a bit more telly......not that you really have an option at the minute.

  2. Yes, given to me to paint and have something to do. Think they would have been pretty fiddly for her to paint. I quite enjoyed doing them. The next quiz isn't published until September and I imagine Margherita will get me one as usual.

  3. Oh wow I noticed your dolls yesterday I should have known you had created them silly me 💕

  4. Forgot to show you them but glad you noticed them on the side. xxx
