Friday 10 February 2017

Feeling much better today, stayed with water until lunch time and then I had a light lunch and a cup of tea. Apart from the headache lingering on I think I am on the mend, and Darren and Tina actually had a meal this evening so they are feeling a lot better too. 
When I was in Peterborough I bought a couple of fax masks to paint, so that Isobel and maybe Amya can get dressed up at the Just So Festival this year.
I got the watercolour paints out so the mask will have to be varnished as it rained a lot at the festival last year!
I have just done one, but will paint the other one as well at some point, the festival isn't until August, so plenty of time.
I told you I went to town for a magazine on Wednesday and couldn't buy it, so ordered it when I got home. It arrived today.
Had to trace off the pattern pieces from the magazine, and decided to get on with making the rabbit.
The arms and legs are so small it was difficult to turn them out and stuff them and even harder to sew them up tidily. but the strange little rabbit is now complete, clothes to follow at some point if I decide to continue!
It has been cold out bu all accounts and maybe worse tomorrow. I am hoping that I will be feeling pretty much better tomorrow, but we will see. Looking forward to Room 101.


  1. Even though you've not felt so good you've still made good use of your time. The mask looks really good and I think isobel will love wearing it. Not sure if Anya will though :-) The rabbit is a little larger than I expected, and I think it looks a bit like a lamb. Sorry :-)
    Glad you're all feeling a bit better today.

    1. Not sure this new magazine called Kitazine is worth the money, but as least I have tried it now, and although she is a little odd it was fairly easy to follow the instructions. Pleased with the mask though!
